Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Chapters

As I sat there, day in and day out, just a cog in the corporate machine and daydreaming about the things I used to hate as a kid on the ranch, I realized something. I DON"T HAVE TO TAKE THIS!!! I don't have to live like this. I realize I do still have to work, we do have bills you know. BUT I don't have to be miserable doing it. So, after a year of harassment and no support from management, I decided it was time to hit the road. Staying to prove a point, seemed well, pointless. The higher road to take was to quit or stay and stoop to their level of mudslinging and name calling and that's just not my style. I dress for better than that, even on my bad days.

I made a few phone calls, got some leads, and with God's help, I am now on the right track to what I should have been doing in the first place: talking about ranches, cattle, horses, and cowfolk! And thus, U Spur Radio was born and another opportunity is in the works with a well known ranch magazine. So, no matter how bad it is, does it really beat flipping burgers? If you're unsure of the answer, it's time to make a change.

Good luck in all your decisions, seek God when you're floundering, and all will work out exactly the way it is supposed to.